Thursday, May 17, 2007


In the beginning (as shown in my last blog) I was a little frustrated with my role, but after having a chat with Macey I am very glad that I have recieved what I have. It gives me a chance to show the moderator my ability to develop very different characters from one-another.
I was having a lot of trouble developing my GP character (kinda still am) but I now have some ground info on her. I am going to try base my character on Cameron from House, despite the fact that she is a Dr and knows that she has to be distant from her patients she still feels like she is connected in some way. This is how I have to feel when communicating with the Girl. I am considering the fact that my character would have once had a body issue whether it was bulimia or just purely thought that she was fat and heard a voice that reassured her that she was (just like the Girl).
We finally started to do my GP scene and it helped alot to actually get to act it out rather than just reading it to myself. I learn lines and cues much better and faster when I am actually acting it out. I knew it was going to be hard to ignore Maddy because she is there and talking but I under-estimated HOW hard it would be. Over time with more rehearsals I will be able to ignore her (sorry Maddy :'( lol)
It has really started to hit that we really don't have very long left before we have to perform and we haven't done very much. We are still putting the seating together which we need to do the seating plan which needs to be done to do the tickets. Everything is connected in someway. I am looking forward to seeing everything up and looking like a circus tent and especially getting the costumes all together.


knowlesey said...

I thought even though you had your script with you, it looked like you easily knew your lines. It's hard to learn lines when you haven't acted the scenes, trust me I know, the two major scenes the Dad's in haven't even been touched yet. Hopefully all turns out well in due time :)

Black Josh said...

Go House!!! =D

knowlesey said...

Top job with moderation last night! You really showed your talents :) Good luck tonight, the final performance!