Tuesday, March 20, 2007


After the class's short run through of the play so far I was thinking about the characters that I would like to be considered for.

~The Voice - I believe that I could bring a good interpretation of what I see the Voice as into the character. I can move my body to make the Voice seem sinister or friendly depending on the scene.
~The Girl - After reading about anorexia and visiting the pro-ana sites I feel that I would love to take on the challenge of having to put myself in the mindset of the Girl.
~One of the clowns (I can't remember their names at this moment) - I'm not sure which one is which but I reckon that being one of the clowns would be really fun. They get to move around alot and their actions are really over-exaggerated and depending on how the character is developed the costume would be fun and bright or a little bit weird.

I hope that I have shown myself enough in class to be considered for one of these roles.



*bEc* said...

sounds good to me kiah....and you were a wonderful clown that other day :) love you...

Ally said...

aaah for very bright retina-burning shades of green writing.

and i agree with bec on your clowning!


knowlesey said...

Hey Kiah.
Just wanted to say you did a top job in the musical. You did the reporter role really well, could be your future career??? Anywho, last night tonight so good luck :)