Tuesday, February 6, 2007

FiRsT wEeK oF dRaMa

Hey, guess wat! you've found your way to the fabulous ~*kiah*~ page *woot* hope you hav fun reading about my time and of course my fellow class mates time during 2007 Drama Studies.

Being the first week of Drama in year 12 I think our new group was a bit aprehensive to completely mingle. We all had our own little groups which we had made from last year, but once we started some team building games *Zip, Zap, Zop* we began to talk.
However I feel that there was a person that excluded themselves from thegroup and chose to do their own thing rather than work as a group.

I am really excited about this blog idea, it is a fun adaption to the drama journal. Seeing as most of the students spend quite alot of their time on the internet it will be more tempting to write a blog then open a book and write.

I also can't wait to find out what Ms. Mace decides to choose for our yr 12 production. I hope it will be as good as 'Alice in Wonderland' was. Even though I am going to be very busy this year with the musical, tafe and general yr 12 I can't wait to get started.


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